
To protect the safety of people, the natural environment, and the sustainability of critical infrastructure through responsible use of chemicals and securing of chemicals of concern from misuse by unauthorized people or through accidental discharges.


To develop advocacy programs to train and educate farmers and other chemical users on how to protect chemicals of concern from misuse and to take a cradle-to-grave approach to ensure that such chemicals are effectively managed and accounted for, for the betterment of the society. This involves learning from best practices through the chemicals’ value chain from inception to waste management to target zero waste of chemicals. Chemicals that can be recovered, reused, or have safer substitutes will be encouraged.


encourages the responsible use of chemicals for the safety of people and the

environment in terms of using biodegradable materials including organic fertilizer

in farm practices, safer methods for pest control as well as securing of dual use

agrochemicals from unauthorized use and access.

  • Encourage safer and secure environment
  • Encourage sustainability of the natural environment
  • Protect critical infrastructure from malicious and accidental damages
  • Protect the lives of people from the misuse of chemicals and accidental discharges of chemicals
  • Secure chemicals of concern from unauthorized access and misuse
  • Advocate farmers involvement in securing agrochemicals, protecting the environment, and responsible use of and management of chemicals
  • Sensitize the critical mass on the need for chemical security and responsible use of chemicals to achieve a safer environment
  • Advocate best practices in management of chemicals of concern and innovating ways to integrate local contents in safer use and securing of chemicals.